3S Analyzers offers OEM products for bulk purchases. All of our models are available as OEM versions. Different enclosure types and material, open for customization.
See the list of parameters:
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
- Total Carbon (TC)

Colorimetric Analyzers
- Aluminum
- Ammonium
- Cyanide
- Chlorine
- Chloride
- Chromium (VI or total)
- Hardness
- Phenol
- Iron
- Phosphates
- Total Phosphorus
- Formaldehyde
- Hydrazine
- Manganese
- Nickel
- Nitrate
- Nitrite
- Copper
- Silica
- Sulfates
- Zinc

UV analyzers
- Nitrates
- Color
- Hydrocarbons, Oil-in-water
- Turbidity / suspended solids
- Chlorophyll

Please, contact our commercial service for information or to place your order for our OEM series analyzers.